1.3. Méditations, techniques
Les conseils de 8 experts pour vous initier à la méditation
The Five Styles of Meditation et de très nombreuses vidéos
The Four Foundational Meditation Practices - Shamata (mindfulness) - Tonglen (compassion) - Clearing stale energies - Clearing the Stale Energies (breath) - Round Robin - Round Robin (bringing it all together)
8 méditations accessibles gratuitement
The "Drishtis" or gazing points to control the fluctuation of the mind during the practice of asanas.
Exercice pleine conscience des émotions par Christophe André
L’art de la marche consciente
Hot to train your monkey mind avec Mingyur Rinpoche
Mudra internes
8 Mudras From Yoga To Help You Stay Healthy In Life
Mudras are hand and finger gestures that we can adopt during meditation or pranayama
Yoga Mudras at your fingertips!
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