2.3. Changer le monde
How you can change the world
Never give up
Agir et non-agir : sagesse de la Bhagavadgîtâ
Dean Potter, l’état de Flow et l’inconscient
The Buddha and the beggar
Normal is just another word for lifeless. - This speech by Bollywood Actor, Shah Rukh Khan, will make you pursue your dreams.
Leçon d’un chauffeur
Feliz Navidad, trop drôle
Four Paths of Yoga par Sadhguru
The Dharma of Wonder Woman
How to practice effectively ... for just about anything :
Off the Mat Into the World : A non-profit organization dedicated to bridging yoga and activism. Our mission is to use the tools of yoga, meditation, and self-inquiry to inspire leaders to create conscious, sustainable change.
Off the Mat, Into the World® Live ! Introduction Video
Headstand : An innovative non-profit organization that works to combat toxic stress in disadvantaged K–12 students through mindfulness, yoga, and character education.
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